The Emerald, The Rain, and The Jet! Which face of this city do you like the most?
When you feel adventurous, you can do some kayaking here. And, when you’re looking to find some serenity, you can take a walk at Seward Park. But, what about your journey to this stunning city? Don’t worry, as we’re ready to make your journey safe and comfortable through some of the top airlines in the US. And, to get these premium benefits while traveling, you don’t have to pay additional amount. All you need to do is pick the right deal from below that suits your budget, and you’re all set.
While Seattle is indeed one of the most beautiful cities, at the same time, it’s not necessarily cheap either. But that shouldn’t stop you from making plans to explore this city and dreaming about your perfect holidays. Through our experienced travel consultants, you can get cheap flights to Seattle in no time and stop worrying about your budget issues.
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The coffee capital of US has many facts to spill the tea!
1. One of the states with a high literacy rate
Seattle is the most educated city in the United States, with a high literacy rate. This lesser-known fact about Seattle is bolstered by its abundance of bookshops and libraries, both of which are prospering. Seattle boasts more bookshops and library branches per capita than any other city in the country.
2. The mystery of The Fremont Troll
The Fremont Troll, housed beneath Seattle's George Washington Bridge, is a renowned Seattle figure cloaked in mystery. Almost everyone in Seattle has heard of the troll, but few people know where it came from. The troll, which many Seattleites think is based on the story Three Billy Goats Gruff, was created by Seattle artists in 1989.
3. Pike Place Market has people residing there
Pike Place Market is a must-see for any tourist to Seattle, and most locals know a thing or two about it. However, a little-known detail about the crafts, fish, and food market is that it is inhabited. The renowned marketplace's 400 apartments are home to 500 Seattle residents.
4. Seattliets and the love for sunglasses
Seattle is noted for having one of the wettest climates in the country. However, according to industry analysts, a fun fact about Seattle is that its residents purchased 50 percent more sunglasses than the national average per capita in 1997. This is most likely because Seattle people frequently leave home without sunglasses, assuming they would not need them. When the sun shines, they buy an inexpensive pair of sunglasses.
5. Seattle’s most-photographed object
Every day, hundreds of images are taken of the Space Needle in Seattle. However, it is not the city's most photographed structure or object. The spinning Pink Elephant Car Wash sign on Battery Street near Denny Way has that distinction.